Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)



Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) is a type of Energy Attribute Certificate (EAC) that represents the environmental attributes of the generation of a one-megawatt hour (MWh) of energy produced by renewable sources. 


RECs can originate from wind, solar, biomass, hydropower, biogas, geothermal, and landfill gas projects. They can be used to validate the consumption of electricity from renewable sources to offset electricity consumption from non-renewable sources.




Key Benefits


  • Traceable – each REC comes with a unique serial number that can be used to verify claims and ensure that it is only sold and redeemed once.
  • Supports the renewable energy market by signaling demand for the generation of more renewable energy
  • Encourages the generation of clean energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

How Can We Help?


Making creditable claims

SP group is a credited partner of I-REC Standard, an international recognized registry to provide RECs that are traceable to the source of generation.  


One-stop service provider for ASEAN RECs

Together with our network of partners we can provide RECs from Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, China, Indonesia and Philippines with a variety of generation technologies.  We advise on market boundary requirements  from different reporting frameworks such as RE100 and CDP and GHG protocol.


Project Registration

From industrial scale to household renewable energy facilities, we can provide a solution to register your project for RECs and enhance the returns of your projects.


REC Marketplace

Our REC Platform operates as a neutral engine that facilitates the transaction of RECs, where participating buyers and sellers around the globe are automatically matched based on respective requirements.

Contact Us

Let’s pave the way to a greener future. If you have any questions or need further information about anything you've seen on our website, please click on the Contact Us button to send us a message.